27 September 2009

The world I was in made little sense, other than the fact that it was a world where several things were programmed to go wrong for me if I made one wrong move. I'm still not quite sure if I were alive in this world, or if I were just playing a video game, as sometimes I would shift from first and third person. I have the ability to save my progress, and also to restart should something start to go poorly for me. Specifically, I remember being in a town where going to the wrong building or being seen by the wrong people would get me captured. I remember utilizing a wizard at some point who was able to help me (though he was far away from the town).

For a while, I shifted as the sun shifted (quickly and randomly) under a canopy, as I knew no one undesirable could see me in the shade. I planned out what to do to some extent. I recalled previously about getting from the very bottom to the very top of the wizard's cave earlier, which was a feat seldom achieved.

There was a building in the town with three sub 'areas', and I managed to choose the far right one, which seemed to be a haven for vampires. Whether they thought I was a vampire or not, I was allowed in, and realized that I needed to change my form to convince them. I tried to 'give myself' fangs, and it didn't work. I knew that changing myself into a vampire would change my garb and they'd become suspicious. I ended up leaving quickly, but returning to the place many times.

When I got too close to a group of women on horseback, they began pursuing me, so I restarted back at the vampire nest. I needed to get to the wizard, but he was a continent away. I summoned an air balloon, but it seemed to be 'popped'. I then attempted to summon a dragon.

I woke.

More events happened.
All I can conclude is that I'm playing far too much of Scribblenauts and World of Warcraft right now.

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